Ripple Factor

Ripple factor
-Ripple factor is the measure of effectiveness of a rectifier. -Ripple factor is also very significant while determining the efficiency of a rectifier. Lower the value of ripple factor higher will be the efficiency of the rectifier.
How do you calculate ripple factor?
Ripple factor = √(Vrms/Vdc)2-1=√(Vm/2/Vm/Π)2-1 = 1.21. Effieiency = (Vdc/Vrms)2 = (Vm/Π/ Vm/2)2=0.405X100= 40.5%. Graph : Trace the Input and Output waveform of half wave rectifier without and with filter observed in DSO.
Is high ripple factor good?
Smaller value of ripple factor is desirable. Ideal value of ripple factor is zero.
What is ideal ripple factor?
Ripple Factor is the ratio of rms value of ac component present in the rectified output to the average value of rectified output. It is a dimensionless quantity and denoted by γ. Its value is always less than unity. This is basically a measurement of ripple which denotes the purity of rectified output.
What is a ripple effect simple definition?
Definition of ripple effect : a spreading, pervasive, and usually unintentional effect or influence the automotive industry has a ripple effect on many other industries — compare domino effect.
What is ripple frequency formula?
As the text for the half-wave rectifier demonstration states, for a given rectifier circuit, the size of the ripple can be expressed as the “ripple factor,” r = Iac/Idc = Vac/Vdc. r also equals 1/(2√3fCRL), where f is the frequency of the ac component.
What is ripple factor and form factor?
Ripple factor: It is the ratio of the RMS value of the ac component present in the rectified output to the average value of rectified output. Ripple factor is given by (γ)= The quality of the DC waveform can be expressed in terms of the Ripple factor (or) Form factor. For a full-wave rectifier. Vrms = V m 2 V.
What is the ripple factor of full wave?
The value of ripple factor in full wave rectifier is 0.482 while in half wave rectifier it is about 1.21. The output voltage and the output power obtained in full wave rectifiers are higher than that obtained using half wave rectifiers.
Is low ripple factor good?
The magnitude of the ripple is dependent of many factors and the lower the better for most sensitive equipment. The ripple leads to power losses and overheating of components hence risk of damage in addition to inefficiency. It is therefore essential to remove or minimize the ripple in at the output.
Why is it called a ripple effect?
A ripple effect occurs when an initial disturbance to a system propagates outward to disturb an increasingly larger portion of the system, like ripples expanding across the water when an object is dropped into it.
What is the example of ripple?
Examples of ripple in a Sentence Verb Water rippled under the dock. We could see the lion's muscles ripple. A cool breeze rippled the water. Noun The pebble made ripples in the pond when I threw it in.
What is another word for ripple effect?
ripple effect
- causal sequence.
- contagion effect.
- dispersion.
- dissemination.
- domino effect.
- knock-on effect.
- overspreading.
- slippery slope.
What is ripple in circuit?
Ripple (specifically ripple voltage) in electronics is the residual periodic variation of the DC voltage within a power supply which has been derived from an alternating current (AC) source. This ripple is due to incomplete suppression of the alternating waveform after rectification.
Does frequency affect ripple factor?
Equation 6 and Equation 7 reveal that the total output ripple is mainly affected by duty cycle, output capacitor, and inductor. Another important factor is switching frequency. Higher frequency is of great benefit for reducing output voltage ripple.
What is the wavelength of a ripple?
Capillary waves are common in nature, and are often referred to as ripples. The wavelength of capillary waves on water is typically less than a few centimeters, with a phase speed in excess of 0.2–0.3 meter/second.
What is form factor formula?
The form factor is defined as the ratio of the RMS value to the average value of an alternating quantity. F.F. (Form factor) = M . S V a l u e A v e r a g e V a l u e. Crest Factor 'or' Peak Factor is defined as the ratio of the maximum value to the R.M.S value of an alternating quantity.
What is form factor in rectifier?
The form factor is the ratio of RMS value to the DC value. For a half-wave rectifier, the form factor is 1.57.
What form factor means?
1) In computers, the form factor is the size, configuration, or physical arrangement of a computing device. The term is commonly used in describing the size and/or arrangement of a device, acomputer case or chassis or one of its internal components such as a motherboard or a daughterboard.
What is the ripple factor of half wave?
Ripple factor determines how well a halfwave rectifier can convert AC voltage to DC voltage. The ripple factor of a halfwave rectifier is 1.21.
What is ripple factor of full wave rectifier formula?
Find out Vrms and ripple factor (r) using formula for full wave rectifier with filter as: Vrms= Vrp-p/4√3 and ripple factor (r) =1/ (4√3 f RLC), where Vrp-p is peak to peak ripple voltage.
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